Saturday, December 3, 2011


**Điều căn dặn anh em:
1. Là phải biết điềm tĩnh trước gái xinh và không giật mình trước gái xấu.
2. Không được đầu gấu với gái ngoan và ko cần nhẹ nhàng với gái dữ.
3. Không được tự tử nếu mất gái ngon và ko ngậm bồ hòn ôm gái nát.
4. Không được bộc phát thích gái teen và ko được ném mình vào gái ế.

Đời là bể khổ....Qua được bể khổ .... là qua đời...

Cuộc đời là 1 vòng luẩn quẩn:
Sinh ra 2 tuổi ĐÁI BÔ
20 tuổi có BỒ
30 tuổi làm BỐ
40 tuổi lại có BỒ
80 tuổi lại ... ĐÁI BÔ

Công việc 1 ngày của một bà nội trợ:
Sáng giặt quần áo
Trưa phơi quần áo
Chiều thu quần áo
Tối là (ủi) quần áo
Đêm cởi quần áo
Sáng tìm quần áo ..đem giặt


Nghe mấy đứa con gái than thở với nhau là: Bây giờ giai đẹp đã hiếm thì chớ, chúng lại còn yêu nhau...


Tình chỉ đẹp khi tay chân còn động đậy, một số thứ còn ngọ nguậy, và đầu còn NGHĨ BẬY....

Không nên nói người mẫu, hoa hậu ... có những đôi chân dài tới nách
Bởi chân dài tới nách chỉ có ... chó

Làm người thì không bao giờ được nói 2 chữ chán đời
Mà phải sống sao cho đời nó phải chán mình...

Chán đời - Thi sĩ Tản Đà

Ai đã hay đâu tớ chán đời
Ðời chưa chán tớ, tớ còn chơi
Chơi cho thật chán, cho đời chán
Ðời chán nhau rồi tớ sẽ thôi

Nói thế can gì tớ đã thôi
Ðời đương có tớ, tớ còn chơi
Người ta chơi đã già đời cả
Như tớ năm nay mới nửa đời

Nửa đời chính độ tớ đang chơi
Chơi muốn cho sao thật sướng đời
Người đời ai có chơi như tớ
Chơi cứ bằng văn mãi chửa thôi

Chơi văn sướng đến thế thì thôi
Một mảnh trăng non chiếu cõi đời
Văn vận nước nhà đương buổi mới
Như trăng mới mọc, tớ còn chơi

Làng văn chi thiếu khách đua chơi
Dan díu như ai, tớ với đời
Tớ đã với đời dan díu mãi
Muốn thôi, đời cũng chửa cho thôi

Ðời đương dan díu chửa cho thôi
Tớ dám xa xôi để phụ đời
Vắng tớ lâu nay, đời nhớ tớ
Nhớ đời, nên tớ vội ra chơi

Tớ hãy chơi cho quá nửa đời
Ðời chưa quá nửa, tớ chưa thôi
Tớ thôi, tớ nghĩ buồn cho tớ
Buồn cả cho đời vắng bạn chơi

Nào những ai đâu, bạn của đời?
Sao mà bỏ vắng, ít ra chơi?
Chờ ai chờ mãi, ai đâu tá?
Hay ngán cho đời, chẳng muốn chơi?

Nếu tớ như ai: cũng ngán đời
Ðời thêm vắng bạn, lấy ai chơi?
Cuộc đời tớ nghĩ chưa nên ngán
Nếu ngán thời xưa tớ đã thôi

Tớ nhớ năm xưa nửa ngán đời
Nghĩ đi, nghĩ lại, lại ra chơi
Mê chơi cho tớ thành dan díu
Ðời dẫu cho thôi, tớ chửa thôi

Nghĩ tớ bao nhiêu lại nghĩ đời
Nghĩ đời như thế dám nào thôi
Còn đời còn tớ còn chơi mãi
Chơi mãi cho đời có bạn chơi

Tớ muốn chơi cho thật mãn đời
Ðời chưa thật mãn tớ chưa thôi
Chẳng hay đời tớ lâu hay chóng?
Dù chóng hay lâu tớ hãy chơi

Trăm năm tớ độ thế mà thôi
Ức triệu nghìn năm chửa hết đời
Chắc có một phen đời khóc tớ
Ðời chưa khóc tớ, tớ còn chơi

Trăm năm còn độ bấy nhiêu thôi
Ngoài cuộc trăm năm tớ dặn đời
Ức triệu nghìn năm đời nhớ tớ
Tớ thôi, tớ cũng hãy còn chơi

Bút đã thôi rồi lại chửa thôi
Viết thêm câu nữa hỏi đời chơi
“Lộng hoàn” này điệu từ đâu trước
Họa được hay không? Tớ đố đời.


Người đẹp có thể làm mềm ý chí, nhưng có thể làm cứng một số bộ phận trên cơ thể


Hút thuốc không phải là ngầu
Hút thuốc là để đi ... cầu đỡ hôi


Ưu điểm: Rất nhiều tiền
Còn nhược điểm : Có rất nhiều ưu điểm


Yêu say đắm cũng giống như việc tự đái vào chân mình vậy, mọi người nghĩ là điên rồ, chỉ có bản thân mình thấy ấm !

Trẻ em thật là đáng yêu, nhưng quá trình tạo ra chúng mới là đáng để nói tới


Ánh sáng đi trước âm thanh, vì thế, con người ta trông có vẻ thông minh cho đến khi ta nghe họ phát biểu!


Trên đồng cạn dưới đồng sâu
Vợ chồng cầy cấy là thèng cu ra đời!

Đôi lúc hâm hâm cho tâm hồn thanh thản
Nhiều lúc nói nhảm cho cuộc đời thêm vui


Thất bại vì ngại thành công …

Cao nhân tắt thở vô phương trị

Giết người là có tội !!! miêu tả cảnh giết người không có tội!!!
Tình dục vốn không có tội!! nhưng miêu tả tình dục là có tội !!!


Có một thứ tiền không thể mua được. Đó là sự Nghèo Khó


Có tiền nên làm phiền thiên hạ!!!


Người yêu là phù du , thầy u mới là vĩnh cửu.


Cô ơi tính tiền ...... cho bạn cháu.


Cứ tự nhiên... nhưng hãy nhớ mày là khách.

Không bao giờ bán đứng bạn bè ....khi chưa được giá.

Mỗi bước đi là một nỗi đau... (Nghe thì văn vẻ nhưng thực ra là bị đau chân) >>>

Lòng muốn hướng thiện
Nên mới ngồi thiền
Nhưng vì chưa thiến
Nên vẫn chỉ thiên


Tiền thì anh không thiếu!
Nhưng nhiều thì anh không có!


Lần đầu tiên trong đời mình có 1 người con gái đứng trước mặt và nói :
"Anh ơi, Em có bầu....."
Thực sự mình cực kì hoảng sợ, lo lắng, mình không ngờ nó lại đến nhanh như vậy, quá bàng hoàng đến mức không tin được, mình không biết rồi sau đấy mình sẽ ra sao nữa.......

.. Đành ...
.......... .đứng dậy nhường ghế cho em ý và.............đứng cả tiếng đồng hồ trên xe bus ..........


Mẹ mày

Cha mày

Bà nội mày

Tổ cha mày

Cả dòng họ nhà mày



Đều mong mày thành đạt

Ráng lên nha mày

Cũng như bao định luật bảo toàn khác: đói thì phải ăn (định luật bảo toàn tính mạng).


Ông già đội mũ lù xù,
Hỏi thăm cô gái chợ Mu chỗ nào.
Cô gái ngả nón ra chào,
Đi qua phố Rốn, rẽ vào chợ Mu.


Tình yêu....giúp ta vượt lên những suy nghĩ tầm thường......và đưa chúng ta tới....những suy nghĩ............tầm bậy.

A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"

Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your Mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense."

So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. So the littl boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed.

The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, think I Understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the
Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit."

Hôm qua lên núi hái chè
Có thằng mất dạy nó đè em ra
Nó đè em chẳng dám la
Em ... đè lại nó... Nó la quá trời...

Đừng tự hào ta nghèo mà giỏi
Hãy tự hỏi sao ta giỏi mà vẫn nghèo!??

-- (Suu tam) --

Monday, November 14, 2011

Amazing ENGLISH!

Read all the way to the end....

1) The bandage was  wound  around the  wound.

2) The farm was used to  produce produce .

3) The dump was so full that it had to  refuse  more  refuse .

4) We must  polish  the  Polish  furniture..

5) He could  lead  if he would get the  lead  out.

6) The soldier decided to  desert  his dessert in the  desert..

7) Since there is no time like the  present , he thought it was time to  present  the  present .

8) A  bass  was  painted on the head of the  bass  drum.

9) When shot at, the  dove dove  into the bushes.

10) I did not  object  to the  object.

11) The insurance was  invalid  for the  invalid.

12) There was a  row  among the oarsmen about how to  row .

13) They were too  close  to the door to  close  it.

14) The buck  does  funny things when the  does  are present.

15) A seamstress and a  sewer  fell down into a  sewer  line.

16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his  sow  to  sow.

17) The  wind  was too strong to  wind  the  sail.

18) Upon seeing the  tear  in the painting I shed a  tear..

19) I had to  subject  the  subject  to a series of tests.

20) How can I  intimate  this to my most  intimate  friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France . Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig..

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why  didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

PS. - Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick' ?

You lovers of the English  language might enjoy this ..

There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is  'UP.'

It's easy to understand  UP ,  meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake  UP  ?At a meeting, why does a topic come  UP ?Why do we speak  UP  and why are the officers  UP  for election and why is it  UP  to the secretary to write  UP a report?

We call  UP  our friends.And we use it to brighten  UP  a room, polish  UP  the silver; we warm  UP  the leftovers and clean  UP  the  kitchen.We lock  UP  the house and some guys fix  UP  the old car.At other times the little word has real special meaning.People stir  UP  trouble, line  UP  for tickets, work  UP  an appetite, and think  UP  excuses.To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed  UP  is  special . A drain must be opened  UP  because it is stopped  UP . We open  UP  a store in the morning but we close it  UP  at night.

We seem to be pretty mixed  UP  about  UP ! To be knowledgeable about the proper  uses of  UP ,  look the word  UP  in the dictionary.In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes  UP  almost 1/4th of the page and can add  UP  to about thirty definitions.If you are  UP  to it, you might try building  UP  a list of the many ways  UP  is used.It will take  UP  a lot of your time, but if you don't give  UP ,  you may wind  UP  with a hundred or more.When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding  UP .When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP .

When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things  UP .

When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry  UP .

One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it  UP , for now my time is  UP , is time to shut  UP ! Now it's  UP  to you what you do with this article.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ngay Do Chung Minh - Viet Music

70 Năm Tình Ca Việt Nam (1930 - 2000)

Có thể xem đây là một “anthology” (hợp tuyển) nhạc tình Việt Nam, giống như Nhà văn Võ Phiến đã từng làm một anthology công phu cho văn học miền Nam trước 1975. Thật ra, phải nói chính xác hơn là 70 năm tình ca miền Nam Việt Nam, bởi vì người sưu tập và tuyển chọn chủ yếu giới hạn trong những nhạc sĩ và tác phẩm ở miền Nam Việt Nam.  Hợp tuyển gồm 94 phần giới thiệu tác phẩm của hơn 100 nhạc sĩ từ năm 1930 đến 2000.

Qua hợp tuyển này, các bạn sẽ được nghe một số nhạc phẩm tiêu biểu của những nhạc sĩ thời khởi đầu tân nhạc Việt Nam như Phạm Duy, Lê Thương, Văn Cao, Thẩm Oánh, Dương Thiệu Tước, Hoàng Giác, Đan Thọ, đến những nhạc sĩ ở miền Nam trong thời chiến tranh như Trần Thiện Thanh, Lam Phương, Thanh Sơn, Anh Bằng, Hoài Linh, Mạnh Phát.  Ngoài ra, người sưu tập còn giới thiệu một số nhạc sĩ sau 1975 như Ngọc Lễ, Quốc Dũng, Lê Tín Hương, Trịnh Nam Sơn, v.v… Tuy chưa đủ (và có lẽ người sưu tập – Hoài Nam – cũng không có tham vọng đó) nhưng đã cho chúng ta một “bức tranh” tổng quan về âm nhạc miền Nam trước 1975. Mỗi nhạc sĩ, người sưu tập đã có công nói sơ qua về thân thế, sự nghiệp, và bối cảnh sáng tác của họ.  Tôi nghĩ các bạn trẻ chưa quen với nền âm nhạc Việt Nam thời xưa sẽ tìm thấy một số thông tin thú vị về các nhạc sĩ mà nhạc phẩm của họ mình đã nghe qua hay thậm chí ca hát hàng ngày.  Có thể những nhận xét đó có phần thiên lệch, thậm chí vài ngôn từ mang âm hưởng Bolsavik, nhưng nói chung tôi thấy người sưu tập cố gắng tỏ ra khách quan.

Nghe trực tiếp hợp tuyển này tại đây

Không chỉ giới thiệu tiểu sử, người sưu tập còn có công lớn đưa ra vài nhận xét về tác phẩm của các nhạc sĩ. Có thể những nhận xét về âm nhạc chưa chuyên sâu, chưa chuyên nghiệp, hay chẳng có phát hiện gì mới, nhưng tôi vẫn thấy đó là những lời nhận xét đáng chú ý và chừng mực. Ít ra là người sưu tập đã nói ra nhiều suy nghĩ của cá nhân tôi.  Nghe người sưu tập nói, tôi chợt chú ý một nhạc sĩ mà rất ít ai để ý đến vì tác phẩm của ông được xếp vào nhóm “nhạc bình dân” (hay nói trắng ra là nhạc sến), thế nhưng lời ca thì thật hay: đó là Hoài Linh.  Xin nói thêm là không phải Hoài Linh bây giờ đâu, mà là nhạc sĩ Hoài Linh, tác giả của những ca khúc như Chiều thương đô thị, Chúng mình ba đứa, Cô bé ngày xưa, Kể chuyện đêm mưa, Quán nửa khuya, Về đâu mái tóc người thương, v.v… Và, cũng xin mở ngoặc để nói ngay rằng khi nói “nhạc sến” tôi không có ý xem thường hay khinh thường loại nhạc này, mà chỉ nói theo cách nói phổ thông. Quả thật, ngày xưa tôi chỉ nghe những bài ca của ông và xem như loại “nhạc sến” của Lam Phương hay Trần Thiện Thanh, và vì thế tôi chỉ nghe để giết thì giờ, chứ ít khi nào để ý lời hay ý đẹp trơng ca khúc.  Đến khi nghe nhận xét của người sưu tập tôi mới chú ý đến những câu như:

Hồn lỡ sa vào đôi mắt em
Chiều nao xõa tóc ngồi bên rèm
Thầm ước nhưng nào đâu dám nói
Khép tâm tư lại thôi
Đường hoa vẫn chưa mở lối

Ngày nay, có mấy ai còn có thể viết những lời ca đẹp như thế.


**Có thể tải tất cả 94 phần của hợp tuyển từ các website sau đây:

Phần thứ nhất gồm  đoạn 1 đến 38:

Phần thứ hai gồm đoạn 39 đến 94:


70 Năm Tình Ca  Trong Tân Nhạc Việt Nam (1930 - 2000).

Trích từ SBS radio (Úc Châu) do Hoài Nam biên soạn.

Nghe chương trình:

Phần 01: 1930 Nguyễn Văn Tuyên, Đặng Thế Phong
Phần 02 1940 Lê Thương
Phần 03: Văn Cao phần 1
Phần 04: Văn Cao phần 2
Phần 05: Dương Thiệu Tước
Phần 06: 1945-1946
Phần 07: Thẩm Oánh , Canh Thân, Tô Vũ, Nguyễn Thiện Tơ
Phần 08: Thế nào là nhạc tiền chiến
Phần 09: Pham Duy Nhượng, Lê Hoàng Long, Tu Mi, Võ Đức Phấn
Phần 10: Lưu Hữu Phước, Trần Hoàn, Tô Hoài, Tô Vũ
Phần 11: Hoàng Giác, Nguyễn Văn Khánh, Nguyễn Văn Tí
Phần 12: Nguyễn Thiện Tơ, Nguyễn Văn Quỳ, Hoàng Dương
Phần 13: Đoàn Chuẩn - Từ Linh
Phần 14: Phạm Duy, Hoàng Trọng, Ngọc Bích
Phần 15: Văn Giảng, Châu Kỳ
Phần 16: Anh Việt, Lâm Tuyền
Phần 17: Tổng kết giai đoạn 1938-1954
Phần 18: Hoàng Trọng
Phần 19: Ngọc Bích, Xuân Tiên
Phần 20: Vũ Thành, Đan Thọ
Phần 21: Phạm Duy
Phần 22: Lê Trọng Nguyễn
Phần 23: Hoàng Nguyên
Phần 24: Lê Mộng Nguyên, Nguyễn Hiền, Nhật Bằng
Phần 25: Phạm Đình Chương 1
Phần 26: Phạm Đình Chương 2
Phần 27: Văn Phụng
Phần 28: Hoàng Thi Thơ
Phần 29: Nguyễn Văn Đông
Phần 30: Tuấn Khanh
Phần 31: Y Vân
Phần 32: Anh Bằng
Phần 33: Minh Kỳ
Phần 34: Lê Dinh
Phần 35: Phạm Mạnh Cương, Phạm Trọng Cầu
Phần 36: Lam Phương
Phần 37: Trúc Phương
Phần 38: Huỳnh Anh
Phần 39: Khánh Băng
Phần 40: Duy Khánh
Phần 41: Mạnh Phát
Phần 42: Nhật Trường
Phần 43: Hoài Linh
Phần 44: Song Ngọc
Phần 45: Nhật Ngân, Thanh Sơn
Phần 46: Nguyễn Ánh 9
Phần 47: Đỗ Lễ, Bảo Thu
Phần 48: Hoài An, Nguyễn Vũ
Phần 49: Trường Hải, Dzũng Chinh, Hàn Châu

Phần 50: Cung Tiến phần 1
Phần 51: Cung Tiến phần 2
Phần 52: Thanh Trang, Anh Việt Thu
Phần 53: Phạm Thế Mỹ
Phần 54: Trầm Tử Thiêng Phần 1
Phần 55: Trầm Tử Thiêng Phần 2
Phần 56: Trường Sa
Phần 57: Từ Công Phụng
Phần 58: Trịnh Công Sơn Phần 1
Phần 59: Trịnh Công Sơn Phần 2
Phần 60: Lê Uyên Phương Phần 1
Phần 61: Lê Uyên Phương Phần 2
Phần 62: Vũ Thành An
Phần 63: Ngô Thụy Miên Phần 1
Phần 64: Ngô Thụy Miên Phần 2
Phần 65: Ban Nhạc Trẻ Phượng Hoàng_Phần 1
Xuân Kỷ Sửu: Xuân Trong Tân Nhạc Viêt Nam
Phần 66: Ban Nhạc Trẻ Phượng Hoàng_Phần 2
Phần 67: Đức Huy, Nam Lộc, Quốc Dũng, Tùng Giang
Phần 68: Phạm Duy Phần 1
Phần 69: Phạm Duy Phần 2
Phần 70: Phạm Duy Phần 3
Phần 71: Phạm Duy Phần 4
Phần 72: Tổng Kết Thời Kỳ Thứ 2 Trong 70 Năm Tình Ca

Giai Đoạn Sau 1975
Phần 73: Thời Kỳ Sau 1975 Phần 1
Phần 74: Thời Kỳ Sau 1975 Phần 2
Phần 75: Trầm Tử Thiêng
Phần 76: Hoàng Thi Thơ, Phạm Duy, Song Ngọc, Anh Bằng, Đăng Khánh
Phần 77: Tùng Giang, Duy Quang
Phần 78: Đức Huy
Phần 79: Trần Quảng Nam, Vũ Tuấn Đức, Hoàng Quốc Bảo, Margurerite Phạm
Phần 80: Nguyệt Ánh, Việt Dũng, Duy Trác, Trần Ngọc Sơn
Phần 81: Đăng Khánh
Phần 82: Trúc Hồ
Phần 83: Lê Tín Hương, Trịnh Nam Sơn, Hoàng Thanh Tâm, Đỗ Cung La, Anh Tài, Đặng Hiền
Phần 84: Ngô Thụy Miên
Phần 85: Lam Phương
Phần 86: Anh Bằng, Từ Công Phụng
Phần 87: Nguyễn Đình Toàn
Phần 88: Nguyễn Ánh 9
Phần 89: Trần Quang Lộc
Phần 90: Nguyễn Trung Cang - Lê Hựu Hà - Quốc Dũng
Phần 91: Bảo Chấn - Bảo Phúc
Phần 92: Thanh Tùng - Phú Quang - Quốc Bảo
Phần 93: Ngọc Lễ - Trần Tiến
Phần 94: Sơ lược về âm nhạc VN trong 34 năm 1975-2009



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Năm 2011 - Việt Nam có 8,5 tỷ USD kiều hối

Mặc dù kinh tế thế giới khó khăn nhưng lượng tiền được kiều bào chuyển về nước trong năm nay tiếp tục tăng mạnh, vượt qua kỷ lục của năm 2010 khoảng 500 triệu USD.

Theo số liệu của Ngân hàng Nhà nước, lượng kiều hối chuyển về trong quý I và III năm nay đều đạt khoảng 2,5 tỷ USD. Riêng trong quý II, luồng tiền có thu hẹp đôi chút, nhưng vẫn đạt khoảng 2 tỷ USD. Dự kiến cả năm, kiều hối chuyển về có thể đạt khoảng 8,5 tỷ USD, cao hơn con số 8 tỷ USD của năm 2010.

Kiếu hối tiếp tục tăng bất chấp khó khăn của kinh tế thế giới. Ảnh minh họa: Hoàng Hà
Kiếu hối tiếp tục tăng bất chấp khó khăn của kinh tế thế giới. Ảnh minh họa: Hoàng Hà

Số liệu ước tính của Ngân hàng Thế giới (WB) đưa ra vào cùng thời điểm này năm ngoái cho thấy Việt Nam đứng thứ 16 thế giới về lượng kiều hối chuyển về, với 7,2 tỷ USD trong năm 2010. Tuy nhiên, đến hết năm, lượng tiền này thực tế đã tăng lên trên 8 tỷ USD. Do vậy, thứ hạng của Việt Nam có thể ở mức cao hơn.

Lượng kiều hối liên tục tăng trong những năm gần đây được xem là nguồn bổ sung quan trọng cho cán cân thanh toán và dự trữ ngoại hối của Việt Nam, nhất là trong bối cảnh vốn đầu tư trực tiếp (FDI) và gián tiếp (FII) sụt giảm do khó khăn kinh tế thế giới. Theo số liệu của Tổng cục Thống kê, thu hút vốn FDI, tính đến 20/10 mới đạt gần 11,3 tỷ USD, tương đương hơn 78% cùng kỳ 2010.

Do vậy, việc kiều hối tiếp tục tăng, cùng với đảm bảo tiến độ giải ngân ODA và giảm thâm hụt thương mại cũng góp phần cải thiện dự trữ ngoại hối trong năm 2011. Theo số liệu được Thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng công bố hồi giữa tháng 10, dự trữ ngoại hối của Việt Nam đã tăng khoảng 4 - 5 tỷ USD trong năm nay.

Tốp 20 nước nhận được nhiều kiều hối nhất trong năm 2010. Nguồn: WB
Tốp 20 nước nhận được nhiều kiều hối nhất trong năm 2010. Nguồn: WB

Nhật Minh


Monday, August 29, 2011

Plugged In High fliers: 5 great paper airplane designs

You might think of them as child's play, but there's a surprising amount of history behind paper airplanes.

Thought to have been invented by the Chinese several thousand years ago, these useful toys have helped guide some of history's most famous aviators. Leonardo da Vinci built them to test his ornithopter. The Wright Brothers used them to prototype their historic Flyer. During the early part of the 20th century, designers at Lockheed and Heinkel put them to work in the development of new warplanes.

But today, even with the benefit of modern aerodynamics, physics, and materials, the creation of a good paper airplane is still as much art as it is science. Grab a stack of 8.5" x 11" paper, find a clean, flat surface, and get ready to fold. Here are five of our favorite flying wonders.

The Record Holder
Where better to start than with a world record holder? Florida resident Ken Blackburn used this design to set the world record for paper-airplane flight time back in 1998, clocking an astonishing 27.6 seconds. Although Blackburn's record has been surpassed, the design is still superb, and it's surprisingly easy to make. Perhaps you can outfly him.

The Sabertooth
The cool split nose of the Sabertooth makes it a mean-looking contender. A little harder to build, it'll really help if you use paper that's marked on one side, just like in the video. The build requires you to flip the sheet over a number of times -- miss one and you'll probably get hopelessly lost. Or end up winging it.

The Cobra

Satisfyingly ingenious to build, the cunning design of the Cobra is made easy to follow by this clear video. Two concertinaed folds shorten the length considerably, adding plenty of weight up front, and the result is a clean-looking, classic snub-nosed plane that flies straight and true.

The Arrow
Can a paper airplane be classified as a weapon? Before you answer, try hurling The Arrow. Good for 30-40 feet of dead-straight flight, this slender projectile is razor sharp and worryingly effective. Don't shoot your eye out, kid.

The Spirit
Ready for something a little more intricate? Starting with a square-shaped piece of paper, the Spirit requires finesse in the last few steps, otherwise you'll end up with something that looks like a pig and flies like a cow. Get it right, though, and you'll be the envy of all your friends…as long as you have friends that are impressed with cool paper airplanes.



Friday, July 15, 2011

Thay Dầu Xe

Các bạn chú ý dầu cho xe số khác với dầu cho xe ga (trên hộp có chữ scooter). Đừng đổ nhầm hai loại này vì xe ga có điều kiện làm việc khắc nghiệt hơn.

Trên các bình dầu của các hãng, đều ghi có 2 chỉ số mà các bạn cần quan tâm.

1. Độ nhớt, ví dụ: 20W-50, 15W-40; 5W-30...

Chỉ số đứng trước chữ W (số nhỏ) là chỉ số độ nhớt ứng với điều kiện khí hậu lạnh; còn chỉ số đứng sau (số lớn) là chỉ số độ nhớt tương ứng với điều kiên khí hậu nóng. Vì ở Việt Nam nên các bạn chủ yếu để ý đến chỉ số ở sau (số lớn). Số càng lớn thì độ đặc của nhớt càng cao (trong trường hợp điều kiện môi trường bình thường).

2. Chỉ số API (tạm gọi là tiêu chuẩn chất lượng dầu nhớt của USA, và được sử dụng cho Quốc tế). Ví dụ: CD/SF; CF/SL...Ký tự đầu tiên (C) là ký hiệu cho loại dầu nhớt dùng cho động cơ chạy diesel, hoặc ký tự (S) là ký hiệu cho loại dầu nhớt dùng cho động cơ xăng.

Các ký hiệu trên dầu nhớt Castrol Power 1.
Các ký hiệu trên dầu nhớt Castrol Power 1.

Ký tự thứ hai được quy định theo thứ tự A, B, C, D, E, F...đến mới nhất là M. Ký tự này càng tăng thì chất lượng nhớt càng cao. Chất lượng dầu nhờn tốt nhiều hay ít chủ yếu là do thành phần phụ gia (hóa chất) được pha trộn vào dầu gốc, và tùy thuộc vào công nghệ của các hãng.

Hiện tại trên thị trường VN, dầu dùng cho động cơ diesel có API cao nhất đến CI-4 và dầu dùng cho động có xăng có API cao nhất là SM. Trên bình dầu nếu có ký hiệu, ví dụ như CF/SL thì loại dầu đó sử dụng được cho cả 2 loại động xăng và diesel, còn nếu chỉ có ký hiệu CF hoặc ký kiệu SL không thôi thì loại dầu đó chỉ dùng cho động cơ diesel hoặc dùng cho động cơ xăng.

Hiện tại, có rất nhiều người cứ lầm tưởng dầu 40 loãng hơn dầu 50, nên dầu 50 tốt hơn dầu 40. Điều đó hoàn toàn SAI. Dầu 40 loãng hơn dầu 50 là đúng, tuy nhiên, khi động cơ làm việc, nhiệt độ sẽ rất cao, dầu sẽ loãng ra, nền nếu API cao (tốt) thì khi đó, độ đặc của dầu 40 còn lại là 10 (chẳng hạn), trong khi đó nếu API thấp thì dầu 50 chỉ còn là 5 (chẳng hạn), lúc ấy, dầu 40 có API cao lại đặc hơn dầu 50 có API thấp (trong cùng điều kiện động cơ làm việc).

Độ đặc của các loại dầu của các hãng ở điều kiện làm việc của động cơ sẽ được các hãng thí nghiệm và công bố trong hồ sơ kỹ thuật của các loại dầu đó. Chi tiết kỹ thuật của các loại dầu nhờn, các bạn có thể tra cứu trên Google Search, đơn giản thôi.

Quay lại vấn đề chính, khi nào thì ta có thể thay dầu nhớt cho xe? Công nghệ lọc hóa dầu ngày càng phát triển cao, nên chất lượng dầu nhớt cũng tăng cao. Theo kinh nghiệm trong ngành nhớt của tôi, tôi xin tư vấn các bạn thế này:

- Xe gắn máy: nên sử dụng nhớt 40 đối với xe còn mới (tình trạng xe còn khá tốt), và nhớt 50 đối với xe quá cũ (hoặc tình trạng xe không còn tốt nữa).

Với xe số: Nếu đổ nhớt API là SF hoặc SG thì các bạn có thể chạy được 2.000-3.000 km mới phải thay dầu. Còn nếu API là SJ hoặc SL thì có thể chạy được 5.000-6.000 km mới thay.

Với xe tay ga: các bạn nên chú ý là phải thay loại nhớt trên hộp có chữ Scooter (Xe tay ga, tránh nhầm thay nhớt xe số cho xe tay ga, vì xe tay ga có điều kiện làm việc khắc nghiệt hơn xe số, nên thành phần phụ gia của nó cũng sẽ phải khác hơn).

Trên thị trường hiện nay chủ yếu nhớt cho xe tay ga có API là SJ hoặc SL, các bạn có thể chạy được 3.000-4.000 km với điều kiện xe mới, tốt. Còn xe đã cũ thì chỉ có thể chạy được 2.000-3.000 km tùy tình trạng của xe.

- Ôtô con/xe tải: nên sử dụng nhớt 40 đối với xe còn mới (tình trạng xe còn khá tốt), và nhớt 50 đối với xe quá cũ (hoặc tình trạng xe không còn được tốt nữa). Nếu đổ nhớt API là CD/SF thì các bạn có thể chạy được 5.000 km mới phải thay dầu. Nếu API là CF/SG thì 6.000-7.000 km mới thay. Nếu API là CH-4/SL thì 8.000-10.000 km mới thay.

Nếu API là CI-4/SM thì 10.000-12.000 km mới thay. Tuy nhiên, các con số trên chỉ mang tính tương đối chung. Còn cụ thể hơn, các bạn có thể hỏi bộ phân tư vấn kỹ thuật của tất cả các hãng. Thêm một vấn đề nữa, cũng theo kinh nghiệm của tôi, thì các bạn chỉ nên thay nhớt của các hãng có thương hiệu đã dược khẳng định đẳng cấp và chất lượng như Total, Shell, BP Castrol, Caltex. Đừng vì rẻ hơn vài chục ngàn mà thay dầu không hoặc ít tên tuổi, làm ảnh hưởng đến động cơ xe của mình, cũng như số km thay dầu sẽ rất thấp, và vì sẽ không đảm bảo về chất lượng đúng như ghi trên bao bì đâu.

Lubricants Vietnam



Saturday, July 2, 2011

The South East Asia Sea Islands

Countering Beijing in the South China Sea - Why the U.S. must not let China’s territorial ambitions go unopposed.

The most dangerous source of instability in Asia is a rising China seeking to reassert itself, and the place China is most likely to risk a military conflict is the South China Sea. In the second decade of the 21st century, the seldom-calm waters of the South China Sea are frothing from a combination of competing naval exercises and superheated rhetoric. Many pundits, politicians, and admirals see the South China Sea as a place of future competition between powers.

Speculation about impending frictions started at the July 2010 asean Regional Forum (arf) when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered an overdue statement on American interests in the South China Sea. Clinton averred that the United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation in the South China Sea; that the U.S. supported a collaborative process in resolving the territorial disputes there; and that the U.S. supports the 2002 asean-China declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea.

Despite Clinton’s statement of support for China’s own agreements with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China’s Foreign Ministry responded negatively, claiming that the secretary’s statement was “virtually an attack on China.” China’s military stated that it was opposed to “internationalization” of the six-country dispute and commenced a new and unusually large naval exercise in South China Sea the very next week.

This gathering maritime confrontation is instigated by China’s assertions of sovereignty over the entire South China Sea and its stated intention to enforce that sovereignty. But the source of China’s hubris is its view of its historic mandate to rule all under heaven. Extending China’s borders a thousand miles across the South China Sea is only one policy manifestation of this vision of a new Chinese world order. Consistent with its Sinocentric ideology, Beijing believes its authority over its smaller neighbors should include determining their foreign policy.  After Clinton challenged China’s claim to the entire South China Sea, China’s foreign minister reportedly glared at a Singaporean diplomat and pronounced, “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact.”1  More telling of China’s opinion of its position among nations, the following Monday China’s Foreign Ministry posted a statement that “China’s view represented the interests of ‘fellow Asians.’”

Consistent with its Sinocentric ideology, Beijing believes its authority over its smaller neighbors should include determining their foreign policy.

The competing territorial claims in the South China Sea are decades old, but today the Chinese government is full of a sense of accomplishment and the People’s Liberation Army is flush with the fastest growing military budget in the world. Clinton’s statement may have been inspired by earlier statements by Clinton’s Chinese counterpart, the state councilor responsible for foreign affairs, Dai Bingguo, directly to Clinton herself and repeated to several U.S. aides that the enforcement of China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea was a “core interest” on par with Taiwan and Tibet. While Dai Bingguo reportedly has desisted from using the term “core interest” to describe China’s maritime sovereignty, personalities in China’s military still do. In January 2011 the web site of the People’s Daily, the official organ of the Chinese Communist party, surveyed readers about whether the South China Sea is China’s “core interest”; 97 percent of nearly 4,300 respondents said yes.2

Short of a shooting war, protecting freedom of navigation in one of the globe’s busiest sea lanes requires an amicable resolution of the competing territorial claims. Starting a process to resolve or neutralize the problem will require American leadership and resolve. Firm diplomacy backed by convincing naval power and patient leadership can strike a balance in the region that protects freedom of navigation, the integrity of international law, and the independence and sovereignty of Southeast Asia’s nations.

The worst solution to the South China Sea dispute from the U.S. point of view would be for China’s asean neighbors simply to acquiesce to Beijing’s position and for the entire South China Sea to become the sovereign territory of the People’s Republic of China (prc). The Beijing position is also the worst solution for the asean and every other trading nation on the planet. But an almost as bad solution is for the U.S. to become involved in a bilateral confrontation with China without the firm endorsement and commitment to American actions by the other littoral claimants and by America’s Asia-Pacific allies. Without the support of regional alliances, the U.S. would be entangled in a campaign at the far end of its logistical tail but deep inside the reach of a large and rising power.

The ideal solution would be for the asean countries to stand up to China and insist on a multilateral resolution to the disputes based on the provisions of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea and the code of conduct specified by the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, which China signed in 2002. This solution is not possible unless asean develops the political, economic and military resources to challenge China’s influence. In the short term, backing from the United States and other regional powers including Japan, India, and Australia could be an incubator while asean develops an indigenous deterrent capability. In the long term, it must stand up for itself.

ASEAN will be reluctant to accept American assistance if it is presented as a part of a great power, anti-China geopolitical policy. China is not only a neighbor to Southeast Asia, but also its most important trading partner, investor, and occasional political ally. Asserting a Chinese menace and asking the asean countries to participate in an anti-Chinese coalition is a recipe for policy failure. Instead, the United States must articulate a vision for the nations of Asia that contrasts with the re-imposition of ancient Chinese hegemony. That vision should include the traditional Western principles of open commerce, political independence, and territorial sovereignty.

The South China Sea Problem

Six countries claim the islands of the South China Sea: the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei. The prc and Taiwan (as rival governments of “China”) claim the South China Sea by virtue of cultural artifacts, ambiguous literary allusions, and outright occupation. Vietnam also claims all of the islands in the South China Sea based largely on historical documents, Japan’s postwar abandonment of title to the South Sea islets, and the legacy of French colonial deeds to several key South China Sea islets. The Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei claim all or parts of the Sea’s southern swath of Spratly Islands based largely on their respective Exclusive Economic Zones ( eezs) and continental shelf. According to unclos, an eez extends 200 nautical miles from the low-water line on a country’s coast. China’s published map of the South China Sea shows a dotted line extending all the way to the eez of Indonesia’s Natuna Island, potentially enlarging the number of conflicting claimants to seven.

This problem is not an arcane legal issue, but a near and dangerous threat to the global economy and to the regional ecology. The sea lines of communications through the South China Sea connect Europe and Asia, making the sea one of the busiest waterways in the world. Almost half of world shipping passes across it, and from the Middle East a significant portion of northeast Asia’s oil. The South China Sea is also rich in hydrocarbons in various forms, and the full exploitation of these resources is hampered by unresolved boundaries and blatant military intimidation. Lastly, because of overfishing, there is a marked decline in the overall fish catch, inspiring fisherman to use more aggressive techniques. With no multilateral agreement to regulate fishing in the South China Sea the fishing industry and sea ecology are rapidly approaching disaster.

Disputes over the South China Sea are not arcane legal issues but dangerous threats to the global economy and to the regional ecology.

China’s claim. All the claimant countries justify their respective territorial claims using highly interpretive definitions of unclos articles. Only China, however, exhibits the combination of broad territorial claims; economic, political, and military strength; an uncompromising diplomatic stance; and demonstrated aggressiveness in pursuing its objectives. This unique combination of traits makes Beijing at once the most important player in resolving the territorial disputes and the biggest obstacle to doing so.

When discussion turns to diplomacy and a negotiated resolution to the dispute, Beijing persists in reminding all other claimant countries that the South China Sea is Chinese sovereign territory and refuses to negotiate unless the parties accept China’s indisputable sovereignty. To date, China’s tactic is to engage in talks only bilaterally and avoid objective adjudication through <<span class="smallcaps">unclos procedures or any outside parties. Additionally, China has made declarations and provided highly interpretive definitions that exceedingly complicate the resolution process and put China on a collision course with the rest of the seagoing world.

Continental shelves and the impracticality of drawing coastal boundaries for countries with complex and deeply indented coastlines, like Norway, or for archipelagic states, such as the Philippines or Indonesia, were recognized in such unclos provisions as Article 7 (“Straight baselines”), Article 47 (“Archipelagic baselines”), and Articles 76 and 77 (“Continental Shelf”). These articles permit countries to draw straight boundary lines across complex or closely spaced coastal features and islands as long as they do not interfere with customary freedom of navigation. Beijing, however, extends the definitions of these articles by applying them to its claimed islands and coastal features.3

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress adopted the “Law on the Territorial Waters and Their Contiguous Areas” (Territorial Sea Law) on February 25, 1992. This law does not specify China’s exact territorial claim, but it does assert sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands. Moreover, China has published a map showing the entire South China Sea from Hainan Island up to Indonesia’s Natuna Island in an enclosed loop as territorial waters. In 1993, China’s foreign minister verbally reassured his Indonesian counterpart that the densely populated and economically important Natuna Island was not claimed by China, but Beijing has since failed to formally confirm that informal statement.

According to unclos and international custom, “territorial waters” extend twelve nautical miles from the low-water line along a country’s coast. When Beijing signed unclos, however, it included declarations that postulated definitions of territorial waters and rights of coastal states different from those written in unclos. Among other things, China declared that:

1. In accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the People’s Republic of China shall enjoy sovereign rights and jurisdiction over an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles and the continental shelf.

2. The People’s Republic of China will effect, through consultations, the delimitation of boundary of maritime jurisdiction with the states with coasts opposite or adjacent to China, respectively, on the basis of international law and in accordance with the equitable principle.

3. The People’s Republic of China reaffirms the sovereignty over all its archipelagoes and islands as listed in Article 2 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, which was promulgated on February 25, 1992.

4. The People’s Republic of China reaffirms that the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea concerning innocent passage through the territorial sea shall not prejudice the right of a coastal state to request, in accordance with its laws and regulations, a foreign state to obtain advance approval from or give prior notification to the coastal state for the passage of its warships through the territorial sea of the coastal state.

These declarations substantially change the meaning of unclos articles and are in marked contrast to traditional sea laws. China claims its eez is not just an economic boundary but sovereign territory, thus extending its maritime border 200 nautical miles. Beijing is also claiming that the uninhabited islands and reefs of the South China Sea are Chinese territory and, thus, also have eez extending an additional 200 nautical miles from each of them, and that its continental shelf extends as far as Beijing chooses to draw it. Finally, the declarations greatly broaden China’s prerogatives as a coastal state by insisting that warships making innocent passage must first obtain Chinese permission, again a violation of both unclos and the traditional laws of the sea.

Beijing is also claiming that the uninhabited islands and reefs of the South China Sea are Chinese territory and, thus, also have EEZ.

The position of the Chinese government has direct implications for regional economies, the freedom of navigation of global air and surface fleets, and America’s naval and air forces. If China were entitled to enforce its sovereignty over the South China Sea, then merchant ships traversing that Sea, no matter their flag, would be subject to China’s law and regulations and any fees, duties or other restrictions China may choose to impose. Additionally, China would have exclusive fishing and mineral rights over a Sea that the other littoral countries depend on for a significant portion of their natural resource income. Lastly, China’s insistence that any warship traversing the South China Sea must first gain permission nullifies the rights of foreign warships to conduct innocent passage. Furthermore, warships that do traverse territorial waters have severe restrictions applied to their operations.

These restrictions, if applied to the entire South China Sea, would severely restrict the operations of the United Sates Navy and hinder its ability to protect both American and international shipping. Furthermore, in light of China’s position, the dispute between China and the United States over the activities of the ep-3 reconnaissance airplane near Hainan Island in April 2001; the multiple harassing actions against the American ships USNS Impeccable and Victorious in the Spring of 2009; the collision between a Chinese submarine and the USNS John McCain’s sonar array in June 2009, and the recent show of force through naval exercises in the Yellow Sea are not isolated incidents, but rather the latest chapters of China’s campaign to assert its sovereignty over the South China Sea and could well be the first rounds in an escalating shoving match between China and the United States.

How strong is China’s claim? In the 9th century, an Arab trading dhow sank off Belitung Island, in what are now Indonesian waters, at the southern reaches of the South China Sea. The ship was laden with 60,000 artifacts of gold, silver, and exquisite porcelain apparently from China’s southern port metropolis of Guangzhou and bound for markets in Southeast Asia. The dhow was discovered in 1998 by Indonesian fishermen and is now considered one of the most important finds in maritime archeology.

The Belitung wreck was not a Chinese merchant vessel (Tang Dynasty China did not have a functioning seafaring culture), but it is emblematic of China’s new Sinocentric ideology of preeminence in East Asia. The Chinese government’s claim to the South China Sea is based in part on ancient relics, coins, pottery shards, and the like that litter South China Sea islets. The fact that these artifacts most likely were not left by Chinese sailors does not appear to influence Beijing’s outlandish claims.

China also justifies its claims to the South China Sea with various vague writings dating back more than 2,000 years.

Neither can Beijing demonstrate that Chinese ever permanently inhabited the Spratly or Paracel Islands, because they are uninhabitable. Many are wholly or intermittently submerged. The ones that are mostly dry lack sources of fresh water, and these low features are seasonally exposed to the monsoons. Today, the only human populations of these islands and reefs are military garrisons maintained at immense expense to their respective governments and at great personal risk to their members. They can by no means be said to have “an economic life of their own” and consequently are not able to generate their own eez under Article 121 of unclos.

China also cites various vague, questionable, and off-point historical writings dating back more than 2,000 years in its attempt to document its claimed sovereignty over the South China Sea.4 Without doubt, Chinese explorers and fisherman sailed the South China Sea for two thousand years, and some recorded their exploits, but it is equally clear that the Chinese traditionally have viewed Hainan Island as the southernmost outpost of their civilization, certainly until the end of the 19th century.5

Ancient Chinese records do not disprove the claims of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, or Indonesia. There is substantial archeology showing that today’s Southeast Asians lived on those archipelagos long before written Chinese history. Several waves of settlers arrived in the Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos as far back as 250,000 years. These early peoples sailed or paddled the South China Sea to arrive where their descendents are living today. Although the Spratly and Paracel Islands were too small for permanent habitation, peoples of all the littoral countries fished and economically exploited them before China existed.

For countries that are littoral to the South China Sea, China’s claims are analogous to one of your neighbors claiming that the entire street in front of your home is his personal property. Furthermore, he claims that your sidewalk, driveway, and front yard clear up to the doorstep also belong to him. His armed guards park their cars in your driveway and he picks flowers out of your garden. If you or your neighbors protest he denies the validity of your title and refuses to settle in court. If someone insists on his property rights then the guards beat him.

Competing Visions

The international community, led by the United States, is already pursuing a vision of Southeast Asia’s future and the resolution of the South China Sea disputes that competes with China’s world view. The world’s vision of nation states is of the Westphalian model of independent countries with sovereign territories. The United Nations Charter and the un Convention on the Law of the Sea are manifestations of that model. China’s vision, on the other hand, is a Chinese world order, a new face to China’s ancient tributary system where China is the central power and Beijing is the global political pole.

The countries of Southeast Asia have already adopted the Westphalian model as their own and formed asean as an explicit defense of member countries’ sovereignty and independence. Nevertheless, the tributary system is a familiar part of Southeast Asia’s history and at the cost of independence it was tolerable, especially as an alternative to confrontation with Chinese military power.

The Chinese world order. The mechanics of the tributary system are often described as relatively benign. Countries paid a tribute, the kings or their ambassadors performed a kowtow ceremony to the Chinese emperor acknowledging his sovereignty, and in exchange they were given expensive gifts and granted lucrative trade concessions. According to the historians that espouse this view of the tributary system the Chinese emperors rarely intervened in the internal affairs of a country and were not territorially acquisitive.

The reality is that the Chinese emperors viewed their vassal kingdoms in the same terms as the European monarchs viewed their colonies: The emperor did not hesitate to use military force in order to protect his property. For example, in the 15th century, a tribute-paying king on the Indonesian island of Java killed some Chinese imperial envoys who had been sent to recognize the investiture of the self-proclaimed “king” of the Chinese colony at Palembang, a colony that had been subordinate to Java. In response the emperor sent a large naval fleet to deliver a note that said, “You should immediately send 60,000 ounces of gold to redeem your crime, so that you may preserve your land and people. Otherwise we cannot stop our armies from going to punish you.”6

When the Chinese Communist party usurped the emperor’s throne in 1947 it sought to regain control over all the empire’s former realms. The venerable China scholar John K. Fairbanks described China’s world view in concentric circles with a an inner “Sinic Zone” of nearby countries that were culturally similar, the “Inner Asia Zone” of tributary states on the fringe of Chinese territory, and the “Outer Zone” of barbarians. The Kingdom of Kashgar was once a tributary state in the Outer Zone, as opposed to Korea, which was in the inner Sinic Zone. Today the former Kingdom of Kashgar is part of the Chinese province renamed Xinjiang. Although the same colony twice declared independence as the East Turkistan Republic (in 1933 and 1944) the People’s Liberation Army “peacefully liberated” the independent state from itself in 1949.

The Chinese emperors viewed their vassal kingdoms the same as the European monarchs viewed their colonies.

The People’s Republic of China lacked the strength to extend its influence to all the empire’s former vassals. Korea escaped Kashgar’s fate because of the rise of the Japanese Empire. Korea became a battleground between the Chinese and Japanese Empires, and was won by the Japanese Emperor in 1895. Despite the painful memories of Japanese occupation, the silver lining for today’s Koreans is that Japanese colonization and the aftermath of World War II prevented China from annexing Korea as it did East Turkistan and Tibet.

The proposition that Korea could share the fate of other former Chinese vassal states is not mere speculation but the considered opinion of the Chinese Academy of Social Science. In 2002, the Chinese government launched a research effort called the Northeast Project. In 2004 project researchers from the Chinese Academy of Social Science declared that the ancient Korean Kingdom of Koguryo was not an independent kingdom, but a Chinese province. The same year, China’s Foreign Ministry removed all references to Koguryo as a period of Korean history from its website. The Chinese government hosted similar research efforts called the Northwest Project and Southwest Project for Xinjiang and Tibet respectively. It is perhaps only a matter of time before the Chinese Academy of Science launches fresh research projects on China’s former vassals in Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia also owes its contemporary independence to foreign occupation. Between the 17th and 19th centuries, European powers extended their empires to many of China’s tributary states across southern Asia and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and several kingdoms that ruled in regions of the modern-day Philippines and Indonesia. The Japanese and Europeans plucked these states from the weak Chinese emperor in what modern China derides as the “unequal treaties,” and they turned China’s colonies into European colonies. After the Japanese empire was destroyed in World War II and the European empires retreated from Asia, the most important legacy of their occupation was the residual concept of independent and sovereign states. China was too weak to reassert control over its former tributary states against European and American opposition, and new countries were built on the boundary templates of the former colonies freed, at least temporarily, from Chinese influence.

China disregards treaties and bases its current territorial claims on the pre-colonial tributary relationships.

In pursuit of Beijing’s ambitions, China disregards the “unequal treaties” negotiated with Japan and the European powers and bases its current territorial claims on the pre-colonial tributary relationships. For example, between 1992 and 2000 China and Vietnam negotiated their Gulf of Tonkin maritime boundaries. The basis for Vietnam’s claim in the Gulf was an 1887 treaty between France and China that established Vietnam’s modern borders. China, however, would not recognize the validity of the treaty or Vietnam’s historic claims.7  A treaty was eventually agreed to, but it was evidently so inequitable to Vietnam that Hanoi kept the terms secret for years. Eventually some of the terms leaked out, inflaming nationalist passions and threatening the stability of the Vietnamese government.

Since every country in Southeast Asia derives its present-day borders from colonial era treaties and agreements (including even Thailand, which was never a European colony, but did sign border treaties with European empires), Vietnam’s experience should serve as warning to any of the asean countries trying to bilaterally negotiate with China. Nevertheless, shortly after Vietnam concluded its border treaties President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines struck an agreement with China, in 2004, for oil exploration. Like Vietnam she also tried unsuccessfully to keep the terms secret. The formerly secret Annex “a” showed that the delineated boundaries included huge areas of the Philippines’ eez. Of the total of almost 150,000 square kilometers covered in the agreement, around 24,000 square kilometers included maritime territory previously claimed only by the Philippines. When the terms of the secret treaty were finally exposed, nationalist passions were once again inflamed. Amado Macasaet, publisher of the popular and respectable Philippine magazine Malaya, went so far as to say that President Arroyo should be charged with treason for signing the agreements he claimed were made in exchange for loans “attended by bribery and corruption.” Afterward even the overthrown former President Marcos was more popular than Arroyo.

For China’s former colonies, there is little reason to believe that appeasing China in the South China Sea will satisfy its appetite for territory or hegemony. In the Chinese world order China is not one country in a community but the oldest civilized country among upstarts. Any country’s sovereignty is ultimately owed to China and the degree of independence depends on its appreciation of Beijing’s “core interests.” In asserting its “indisputable sovereignty” over the South China Sea, Beijing is laying down its markers as if to say, “We can solve this problem the easy way, or the hard way, but it will be China’s way.”

Perceptions in Southeast Asia

Aggressive american diplomacy that seeks to pull together a “balancing alliance” against China can only confirm China’s suspicions of an American strategy to contain China while, at the same time, American actions are alienating Southeast Asian governments. asean capitals are more concerned about China than Washington, but they are also far more vulnerable to Beijing’s economic and military pressures and thus reluctant to provoke Chinese retribution. Ideally, asean would have the United States Navy steam in force into the South China Sea to maintain the peace, while asean then clucks disapprovingly from the sidelines and reassures the Chinese that it had nothing to do with it. Intellectually, of course, asean knows that it has to do better than that. Understanding the views of the asean countries is the first step in developing a balanced and appropriate policy.

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand formed asean in 1967 with the stated goal of fostering peace and stability, but the most important goal was to gain every member’s acceptance of the Westphalian-like principle of “mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations.” During the Cold War, asean continued to evolve as a diplomatic tool to fence out superpower competition in the region. After the Cold War, asean recruited Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, and focused on economic development. In the 21st century, security issues are again taking precedence on the asean agenda. First it was international terrorism and maritime piracy that inspired inter-asean security cooperation, and now the rise of China increasingly tops the agenda of security discussion.

Citing the recent steep rise in military spending in Southeast Asia, some analysts speculate that these countries are already preparing for military competition with China. For example, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has reported that arms imports to Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia rose by 84 percent, 146 percent, and 722 percent, respectively, in the last five years. In the same timeframe Thailand’s defense budget has doubled. Some analysts argue that this huge increase in defense spending is an indicator of Southeast Asia’s concern over the Chinese threat. Unfortunately, like many government-led activities in Southeast Asia, there is much less substance than the raw data suggest.

In Malaysia, for example, the often-cited billion-dollar purchase of French submarines and many other expensive weapon systems perhaps has more to do with extravagant corruption than with strategic defense planning.8  In fact, the history of arms purchases in Malaysia appears burdened with corruption — a way of bejeweling its armed forces with expensive, low-density weapons that complicate logistics without adding combat value.

In the Philippines, vulnerable to the Chinese juggernaut, national security is sacrificed to domestic politics.

In Thailand, the current military buildup began only after the Royal Thai Army’s 2006 coup installed an Army-dependent government. Furthermore, although the generals espouse a pro-American defense policy to visiting U.S. officials, their equipment purchases are from an unusual mix of non-U.S. companies. From a logistics point of view a menagerie of military equipment is difficult and expensive to maintain; on the other hand, using smaller, non-U.S. arms suppliers may give Thai officers easier access to kickbacks.

In the Philippines, the Southeast Asian country that is second only to Vietnam in its vulnerability to the Chinese juggernaut, national security is sacrificed to domestic politics. Since September 11, the United States has engaged in a sustained effort to improve the capabilities of the Philippine Armed Forces. Total U.S. assistance tripled from roughly $38 million in 2001 to almost $120 million in 2010. Additionally, not counted in those assistance dollars are the millions spent on an ongoing series of robust U.S.-Philippine military exercises designed to improve the capabilities of the Philippine Armed Forces. Unfortunately, despite the sincere efforts of the U.S. Pacific Command, there have been only marginal improvements in the paf.

This lack of improvement relates to the declining Philippine defense budget. As U.S. assistance grew, the Philippine Congress cut the defense budget. Besides the China threat the Philippines is also beleaguered by multiple internal insurgencies, yet most of the paf’s equipment is Vietnam War vintage and the defense budget is now only about one percent of gdp, or about $1.16 billion in 2009. Despite, or perhaps because of America’s unstinting assistance, many Philippine politicians, including the newly elected President Benigno Aquino III, feel that they are entitled to more. Ignoring their own complicity in underfunding Philippine security forces, these politicians are calling for a review of the Visiting Forces Agreement (the agreement that permits the American military presence to help train the paf). Their objection is that the U.S. is not doing enough to modernize the Philippine Armed Forces, and they imagine the Visiting Forces Agreement as a tool to leverage ever greater American military subsidies.

Fortunately, the security picture in Southeast Asia is not all venality and indolence. Both Vietnam and Indonesia are making significant arms purchases focused on strengthening their national security. Additionally, after decades of wise investment, Singapore’s armed forces are world-class and by far the most powerful in asean.

ASEAN’s total air and naval forces are imposing, but they are not enough to defeat the powerful Chinese Army.

On paper, asean’s total air and naval forces are imposing. asean boasts a fleet of 680 fixed-wing combat aircraft, 412 surface combat vessels, and eight submarines in the combined navies.9 These numbers are not enough to defeat the powerful People’s Liberation Army, with its 2,300 combat aircraft, 65 submarines, and 256 surface combat vessels, but they are sufficient to act as a deterrent were there any sense of common defense. Unfortunately, asean is not nato: No country in Southeast Asia is treaty-bound to assist another in case of an attack, and there are few solely indigenous efforts to coordinate military activities.

Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia, making up 40 percent of the region’s population; it has the largest economy and is a developing democracy. Indonesia’s views on China’s activities reflect Jakarta’s vision of itself as an informal leader of asean. Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said, “For members of asean, what is more worrying is the possibility that the South China Sea could be a central theater for possible rivalry.” Indonesia’s goal, and by extension asean’s as well, is to balance the United States against the Chinese in order to protect their territorial integrity and independence.

The government of Vietnam perceives China as nothing less than an existential threat; an anxiety validated by historical experience. Vietnam’s recorded history dates back 2,700 years. China occupied the country for more than a thousand of those years and Hanoi was subject to a burdensome tributary status for most of the rest of its history. Despite many long and difficult wars with China, Hanoi enjoyed genuine independence for only brief periods.

Hanoi’s experience with post-empire China is the latter’s enduring disregard of Vietnam’s sovereignty and independence. In 1979, in order to chastise Hanoi for policies Beijing did not like, China attacked Vietnam and briefly occupied parts of the country. Additionally, China’s pla Navy has on multiple occasions attacked and sunk Vietnamese naval vessels operating just off southern Vietnam and hundreds of miles from China’s coast; Chinese soldiers garrison tiny islands and atolls inside Vietnam’s eez; pla Navy vessels frequently harass or arrest Vietnamese fishermen; and Beijing interferes with Hanoi’s efforts to exploit natural gas resources well inside Vietnam’s eez. Nevertheless, Hanoi is careful not to provoke China and continues to seek good relations with Beijing.

Hanoi’s experience with post-empire China is the latter’s enduring disregard of Vietnam’s independence.

Although Singapore is not party to the South China Sea maritime territorial dispute, and 75 percent of its population is of Chinese descent, Singapore’s views on rising China prove the rule that asean is suspicious of China’s intentions. Singapore is an ethnically diverse country, but the bulk of its population is descended from Chinese immigrants, mostly laborers brought in during British rule. Because of its immigrant population and economic success some countries in the region resent Singapore and often voice suspicions of its loyalties. Although Singapore has for decades built strong economic links with China, it waited until 1990 to open formal relations with the People’s Republic — the last country in asean to do so. Singapore continues that strong economic link, but China’s recent belligerence has forced Singapore to declare its side.

In order to assure its neighbors (and notify China) that Singapore is not a Chinese province, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, at the August 2010 National Day celebration, made a point of describing Singapore’s unique cultural identity, including the adoption of English as the national language and the distinctive Singaporean cuisine. To emphasize that message, in a September 6, 2010, editorial the Straits Times, Singapore’s national newspaper and government mouthpiece, emphasized that the people of Singapore were not overseas Chinese, saying, “the term ‘Overseas Chinese’ should rankle Singaporeans of all races because it implies that the Chinese in Singapore are somehow ‘overseas,’ separated from the ‘mainland.’ It also implies a desire to perhaps ‘return’ some day. In fact, most Singaporeans here are not ‘overseas.’ They are rooted here.” In another editorial last summer the Straits Times guardedly approved Washington’s new approach to the South China Sea and warned Beijing that its “actions will be closely watched for what it says about the growing power’s ‘peaceful rise.’”

Singapore’s biggest concern about the new U.S. policy is not fear of provoking China but the fickleness of American foreign policy, a point of view that reflects the broader asean position. From asean’s point of view, despite decades of strident Chinese declarations and demonstrative military actions, the U.S. has been “standoffish” about the dispute; seemingly unaware or unconcerned of Beijing’s acquisitiveness in the South China Sea and the implications for the region and the globe. For example, when the Philippines, an American treaty ally, discovered a Chinese naval installation on Mischief Reef, Washington did not share Manila’s outrage and took no position on the dispute, even as the Chinese continued to expand and enlarge their presence.

But ASEAN countries are ambivalent about both America and China. They ask for consistent American support and presence to balance China. At the same time, many asean countries are reluctant to grant the U.S. too much access for fear of compromising their sovereignty. asean countries fear China’s military power and political intentions, but they welcome Chinese investment and trading opportunities in the vast Chinese market.

Finally, ASEAN countries are far from unified in their view of China as a threat. Four of asean’s ten countries, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, are not party to the South China Sea territorial dispute. Burma’s junta, an international pariah regime, ranks the People’s Republic of China among the few governments friendly to it and would be reluctant to defend its asean partners against its patron’s encroachment. Thailand is in the midst of deep political schism and unlikely to participate in a common defense. Furthermore, Thailand’s elite are proud of Thailand’s flexible “bamboo” foreign policy and see no reason not to bend with the wind from China. The royal families in both Thailand and Cambodia are on friendly terms with the Chinese government. Lastly, asean’s consensus decision process means that Beijing needs only one dissenting vote to avoid asean censure.

Moving Forward

The countries of Southeast Asia use Asean to create a diplomatic fence around the region. As recent events have shown, however, a rising China is pushing against that boundary and asean is now wishing for increased United States presence to balance the Chinese encroachment. The harsh reality is that even ironclad security treaties and the presence of American warships are not enough to protect Southeast Asian countries if they are not willing to defend themselves. The asean countries must act individually and collectively to create a substantive deterrent to Chinese encroachment. To quote the poet Robert Frost, “Good fences make good neighbors,” and asean lacks the institutional strength, cohesion, and unity of purpose to build  a good fence.

China poses a substantial and present military threat, but starting U.S. assistance with a buildup of asean militaries is analogous to building a house by starting with the roof. The first priority must be for the individual countries to build a foundation for that house by cleaning up their legal systems and reducing corruption. With the exception of Singapore, every country in asean is afflicted with deeply corrupt legal systems. Judicial corruption is extremely unpopular, known in Indonesia as the “judicial mafia,” and U.S. assistance in fighting it would be welcome. The U.S. has a number of programs, particularly in the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, that can assist indigenous judicial-reform efforts and should be the first priority for assistance to the region.

Substantial improvement in ASEAN’s legal systems and growth in its economies must come before increased military strength.

The second priority for building asean’s house is the economic walls and posts that will hold up the roof. asean has made progress in loosening inter-asean trade restrictions, but it must continue to expand those efforts, and the countries must reform their internal economies to permit economic growth. Again, the U.S. has many departments and agencies that can and should aid economic development in Southeast Asia. In particular, the U.S. Trade Representative could negotiate an enhanced trade agreement between the U.S. andasean, perhaps modeled on the U.S.-Vietnam trade agreement that did so much to assist Vietnam’s economic reforms.

In Southeast Asia the U.S. can for a time provide a security shield for the asean countries, but that commitment must not become a bottomless obligation. Security subsidies, like welfare, trade, or industrial subsidies, can become expensive entitlements and eventually prompt behavior that runs counter to the original intent of the subsidy.

If there is substantial improvement in the legal systems and growth in the economies, then increased military strength will follow naturally. Relieved of the burden of purchasing weapons systems whose only practical use is enriching politicians or generals will significantly increase military capability without costing an additional penny. Furthermore, with larger and more robust national economies, the regional militaries will gain more resources for modernization without increasing their burden on taxpayers. The Pentagon already has robust military assistance programs in the region, and improved national militaries will be more able to take advantage of American assistance.

Diplomatically, asean should begin inter-asean negotiations on internal borders. Beginning the process may force China to ask to participate in the multilateral process, allowing asean to set the terms of the negotiations. Even if Beijing will not participate, an asean border agreement would complicate China’s diplomacy and spoil its bilateral intimidation.

Militarily, asean should begin the process of improving its ability to conduct collective military defense. Building on the small steps already begun — fighting transnational terrorism, suppressing maritime piracy, and providing disaster relief — the asean militaries should begin to look for opportunities to improve their ability to perform coalition operations. asean’s stated diplomatic and political goals are to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the member nations. Building a collective military deterrent to defend those goals against all possible adversaries is not an anti-China activity.

Lastly, it is not the purpose of this article to argue that Beijing will necessarily enforce its ancient prerogatives, but rather that the Sinocentric ideology is the historical base from which Chinese leaders will view the world. Beijing must be convinced to become a devoted adherent to the Westphalian model. Former Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick often opined that China needed to be more of a “stakeholder” in the international system and that that goal needs to remain a long-term U.S. policy objective. During the latter half of the 20th century, China greatly benefited from the inherent protections of the Westphalian model of a nation-state and the broader international system. Now that China is big enough to influence the world order, it must not be permitted to establish a tiered structure with China demanding greater rights than other countries.

Washington policymakers must remember that China is not currently a threat to any country. Although there is considerable potential for a U.S.-China clash, good diplomacy in Washington and growing political maturity in Beijing may obviate any such confrontation. The best way to achieve this goal is to embed China in rules-based organizations and then insist that Beijing abide by those rules. The most important global maritime treaty is unclos, but the United States has not yet ratified the treaty and thus has less power to influence the treaty implementation than does China. The only way for the U.S. to get a seat at the unclos table is to ratify unclos and participate in the various commissions guiding its implementation.

American interests in maintaining the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and other contested waters should be defended with diplomacy backed by military strength. The U.S. must not flinch or compromise, because any temporary concession to China’s demonstrably unreasonable demands will not earn gratitude, but instead will become a precedent for China’s future demands. Diplomatically and militarily, Washington must continue to deploy sufficient force to deter China’s unjustifiable territorial ambitions.

(By Dana Dillon - June 1, 2011)

Dana R. Dillon is the author of The China Challenge (2007) and a frequent commentator on Asian and national security issues.

1 John Pomfret, “U.S. takes a tougher tone with China,”Washington Post (July 30, 2010).

2 Edward Wong, “China Hedges Over Whether South China Sea is a ‘Core Interest’ Worth War,” New York Times (March 30, 2011).

3 Max Herriman, “China’s Territorial Sea Law and International Law of the Sea,” Maritime Studies 15 (1997). See also the discussion of China’s claim by Xavier Furtado in “International Law and the Dispute over the Spratly Islands: Whither unclos?” Contemporary Southeast Asia 21:3 (December 1, 1999).

4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, “Jurisprudential Evidence to Support China’s Sovereignty over the Nansha Islands” (2000).

5 See the introduction to Edward H. Schafer, Shore of Pearls (University of California Press, 1970).

6 Giovanni Andornino, “The Nature and Linkages of China’s Tributary System under the Ming and Qing Dynasties,” Global Economic History Network working paper 21 (2006).

7 Zou Keyuan, “The Sino-Vietnamese Agreement on Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Gulf of Tonkin,” Ocean Development & International Law 36 (2005).

8 Asian Sentinel has published an excellent series of articles exposing the submarine scandal in Malaysia, but John Berthelsen’s individual piece provides a good synopsis: John Berthelsen, “Malaysia’s Submarine Scandal Surfaces in France,” Asian Sentinel (April 16, 2010).

9 These numbers are based primarily on material published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in “The Military Balance in Asia: 1990–2010.”

